Art Club Replay
Your February Replay - some fun intuitive play to brighten the end of the Winter
Hello to you all! I hope you’re well. I know I’ve been quiet these last few weeks, this is because I am still deep in deadline mode. Last month I handed in the Artwork for my latest book, publishing with Magic Cat in Spetember this year, and I have moved swiftly on to another book deadline for which the artwork is due by the beginning of March. I have just spent the weekend working, and now, at nearly 5pm on Sunday I am clocking off to find a little bit of R&R. Actually, on that note, what should I be watching and listening to? Please can you send TV/streaming/podcast recs?
Aaanyway - send me some luck and energy please, and in the meantime, here is this month’s replay!
This is what I made during Art Club - I kept the theme very loose - I chose a page from one of my old Ceramics books (linked below for paid subscribers) and I decided to use the same colours I used during the warm up to make the piece of art, as I had enjoyed the palette they created, and wanted to use some of the marks and textures. It was really great to let loose and play and not worry about making good art for a bit. I absolutely love my job as a Children’s Book Illustrator, but it can be quite a lot of pressure to know that everything you are making will be printed and out there for all to see. So for me, Art Club is a low-stakes chance to play, experiment, and have a bit of fun. I hope you enjoy!
What is ART CLUB?
These are free, playful and live fun art sessions normally in the first or second week of every month. Each month I choose what I want to play around with and make a piece of art; you can either join in, or go off-piste, and do your own thing. I start with a (roughly) 10-minute warm-up, and then I might spend a session playing with wet textures, playing around with how things bleed, mix and blend; other times I might grab a handful of random materials and play around with those together. Maybe in the summer, we will go outside. I’m hoping this will evolve and grow as it continues. All previous Art Play Dates are available as replays, and each new session adds to the back catalogue to watch and play along with.
The Replay and image to work from is below, for paid subscribers.
Until next time!
Ella xx
Art Club is for paid subscribers. If you enjoy my Substack and want to show your support, I would love it if you would consider becoming a paid subscriber. I really appreciate every single paid subscriber (and if you are already subscribed, thank you, from the bottom of my heart). All subs help me to continue making illustrated books, and creating posts here on Substack. And as well as supporting me, you get benefits too. What?! Yes, you heard me! You get access to my big catalogue of paid posts, and access to my monthly Zoom sessions, Art Club and Picture Book Club. And if you can’t attend live, all sessions are recorded and posted afterwards.