I’m here with the replay sooner than I normally manage - well done me!
I have included a bonus chat about why I love working intuitively and why I think it’s so important to include it in your practice. I also have a little chat about how I reflect “in-action” as I work intuitively and how I reflect afterwards. I’ve mentioned how important I find reflecting on my work a few times here, so I thought explaining a bit more about it would be useful.
Now, why have I included a bonus bit…?
I only went and messed up and didn’t record the initial warm-up didn’t I?! But it’s only because Zoom, just doesn’t want to save the “automatically record” setting!! So frustrating. Luckily, I remembered before I started actually painting, so I have captured the main part of Art Club. But as I say at the end of the video - this is the beauty of an artist also trying to organise meet-ups! Messy imperfect meet-ups (and recordings!).
In order to not miss out on a warm up, I have put in a warm-up from a previous Art Club, because I always start Art Club with the same basic warm up - taking a line for a walk, which turns into a lovely intuitive session. And I have tacked on a video at the beginning, as I mention above, chatting about why I love working intuitively, because I was talking about that during today’s unrecorded warm up, and it felt like an important thing to share so I wanted to repeat it again for you.
I hope you enjoy, and it works as a tacked together video!
Until next time!
Ella xx
P.S. I am also attaching a photo of the flowers I drew