
Impromptu studio and books tour

I just tidied my studio, and wanted to show you all my beloved books!

Hello! I just did a big studio tidy, as the studio has got super cluttered and my brain was melting out of my ears. I have finished a couple of spreads for the new book I’m working on and am going to switch to some sketching for a bit, and I needed to clear a bit of space for it. Ironically, for a cluttered person, I hate working in clutter! I said that to my husband the other day (that I hate working in chaos) and he raised his eyebrows! And I explained, there’s a difference between creating chaos as you work, and beginning work in chaos!

I admit, I got a little distracted in my tidying with a re-organisation of my slightly out of-hand-(but also something that gives me great pleasure) book collection. So I thought I would make a little video with a little tour of the books, talking you through my makes-sense-to-me organisation of them, I pull out a few to show you, and generally chat books. I like to make posts that I know I would like if someone else made them, so this is for anyone like me who likes a nosey into people’s creative spaces!

Ok, enough waffle, on with the video!

Ella xx

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