Don’t miss the celebration discount included in this post! Get 50% off a paid subscription for a whole year when you subscribe before the 12th September.
Hello! Today is a special day!! ‘Dear Vincent’ my third illustrated book publishes today! Written by the wonderful Michael Bird and published by the amazing publishers Thames & Hudson’s Children’s Books.
I’m so proud of this book. I love the text, written so beautifully by Michael - he has taken a well-known, you could say, infamous artist, and brought him to life on the page!
It’s a special story, taking you from a cold and grey Paris, where Vincent longed for some warmth, colour and sun, to the Sunny South of France, where he had one of his most prolific and creative periods, making nearly a third of all his paintings.

This story is extra special as it focuses on Vincent’s loving relationship with his brother Theo. I think it’s fair to say that without Theo’s endless support, both financially and emotionally, we might never have known anything about Vincent and his vibrant paintings! We see Theo hanging his paintings back in Paris, brightening his life with their colour and life, and the impact they have on a little girl who feels a special connection with him - much like I did making this book

It was so special to dive into the world of Vincent Van Gogh, his brother Theo, and to learn all about their special relationship. I hope I have captured the joy and creativity in Vincent’s life, that sometimes gets overshadowed by…ahem…other things👂
Thanks so much to the Thames & Hudsons Children's team for being so brilliant to work with. I loved working with them all. Thanks to Michael Bird for being so brilliant to collaborate with, and thanks to my agent Caroline Walsh for all her support along the way
A discount to celebrate!
To celebrate my third illustrated book, I am offering 50% off my paid subscription for a year. The discount is available until September 12th (which is the day of my book launch!). I won’t do a discount again like this for a while, so grab it while you can. I really appreciate every single paid subscriber (and if you are already subscribed, thank you, from the bottom of my heart). All subs help support me to keep making more illustrated books, and help me continue to create posts here on Substack. And I love this growing community I am building here - it’s been so great getting to know you all - I’d love it if you wanted to hop on board! And why not hop on board with a discount? Toot toot!
With that thought, I realise that not everyone can afford to pay for a subscription, so if you would like to upgrade, but it’s not in your means, send me an email ( - subject line FREE COMP) and I will comp you a subscription, no questions asked.
Until next time!
Ella xx
What a beautiful book! And I love how proud of it you are as well.
I'd love to take up your offer of the 50% off yearly subscription to your fabulous substack, but am not finding this as an option on my subscription page. Perhaps is this just an offer for new subscribers? Or maybe I'm not seeing something. Any help much appreciated :)
And congratulations again on a super exciting publication day.
Such a gorgeous book Ella! Congratulations!