Hello everyone! I hope you're all very well :)
Welcome to the replay for this week’s Lucie Rie inspired Art Play Date.
I am pasting the text from my original post explaining details about it, and my thoughts that inspired it:
I have been wondering what I wanted to explore for this month, and nothing was coming to the front of my mind, and then on Saturday (yesterday, as I write) I went to see the Lucie Rie exhibition at Kettles Yard. If you don't know her - I didn't before we went - she is a celebrated potter, born in 1902 in 1995 in Vienna, and she emigrated to London to escape Nazi persecution in 1938.
She was a prolific potter, making experimental pots, using innovative techniques, especially for the time she was working, and her pots are beautifully rich in texture, with simple yet perfectly placed pattern and mark-making.
I came away hugely inspired, partly by the pots themselves, and partly by her - you could see her passion for making, and her enjoyment and engagement with the process itself, letting happy accidents inform the end result. There's a wonderful film of her being interviewed by David Attenborough (looking extremely dapper, it has to be said) in 1982 - she was 80, and clearly still inspired and motivated to work. I really hope to be like her! She continued to work, until her health prevented her when had a stroke when she was 88.
I came away with that excited inspired feeling you get after exhibitions, and I fully planned to have a Lucie Rie experimental session anyway, and then I realised I could do it for the play date!
Just bring whatever you feel like working with, I will probably improvise, but I know I'd like to do some srcaping, so bring a needle or I like to use those tools you can get for eating crabs, that have little forks at the end. Plus, some wet and dry materials of your choice!
Scroll down for the video replay, after the pics.
See you again soon,
Ella xx

Video replay available for subscribers below