Hello! I’m here with the January schedule - I know it’s kind of a week late, but the first 10 days of January don’t count do they?
In its customary way, January feels both blink-and-you’ll-miss-it short and when-will-it-ever-end?! long. T’was ever thus, am I right?!
Ok, that’s enough italics, Ella. On with the show…
First off, I’m reminding you that I have a New Year promotion on right now. I’m offering 25% off all subscriptions for a year until January 31st. so that means a monthly subscription is £4.50 £3.37 and annual subs are £45 £33.75. I’d love it if you wanted to hop on board!
Here are the details of my regular live meet-ups this month:
Art Club
These are free, playful and fun art sessions. Each month I choose a theme or material I want to play around with and you can either join in, or go off-piste, and do your own thing. I might spend a session playing with wet textures, playing around with how things bleed, mix together, blend. Other times I might grab a handful of random materials and play around with those together. All previous Art Play Dates are available as replays, and each new session adds to the back catalogue to watch and play along with.
Tuesday 14th January, 12.30 - 1.30 pm GMT. Zoom (link below for paid subscribers)
I really would like to practice flowers - so I think I will use this as an excuse to buy a lovely big bunch of flowers, and maybe my Staffordshire dogs will make an appearance again (note to self: buy some more ceramic figurines!). The Zoom invite is below for paid subscribers.

Picture Book Club
One of my favourite things about the MA was when we looked at picture books together and analysed them, so I am thrilled to run this on my Substack. I announce the book at the beginning of the month and then we have a live Zoom together and chat all about it! It is available as a replay afterwards for those who can't make it.
Wednesday 29th November, 8-9pm. Zoom (link below for paid subscribers)
Please note, I have had to postpone Picture Book Club this month. Keep your eyes open for a new date, which I will post asap!
This month’s Book Club choice is A Better Best Friend by Olivier Tallec and Published by Gecko Press. - thanks to Nel for this suggestion.
The blurb says: A feel-good picture book about best friendship told with dry comedy and an open ending - squirrel and mushroom are best friends until another best friend comes to play.
I mean, look at that mushroom!!

As ever, do pick it up from friends of Gather Filter Make Shelf Editions run by the fab Helen Hancocks or from Storytellers Inc. run by the brill Katie Clapham
And don’t forget, this month I will be doing another New Year Spruce up1
My plan is to follow much the same as before. I have worksheets for you to join in with it all.
We will start with a reflection over the last year. I don’t need to tell you again how important I find this. My first post will be tomorrow, so keep your eyes out!
We will then do some visualisation and dreaming - this feels like a really important part of it for me. I need to feel excited about what I am doing, and doing this helps me feel connected and excited about my future somehow.
Finally, We will set some intentions and goals for 2025.
The plan is to do this over the course of January, I’ll be aiming to get a post up per week over January. I like taking my time over this, and I’m excited to spend all of January floating around in a reflecting and hopeful space! If you’re excited to get going, I have set up a special chat for it.
If you want to join me for all of this, don’t forget about my new Year offer. Get 25% off all subs by clicking the link below.
Until next time!
Ella xx