Yay Els! I’m looking forward to more creative rambles. Reading newsletters feels much healthier than scrolling Instagram, and more inspiring too! X

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Yay! Thanks Tor! 😘

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I too am loving reading pieces on substack Ella! and so nice to read your musings on here too! xx

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Ahhh, thanks Anna! Yours is one of my much enjoyed reads! X

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oh that's lovely! Thanks so much Ella xx

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It’s so interesting that I just saw this newsletter come through. I am I’ll with a cold so I thought I’d take the time to sit and reflect, so I got my notes out from our mentoring sessions last year and read through and then sat and felt through what I’d found fulfilling in my work from the last few months. It felt really good to do, and very important. And my body was telling me (very loudly!) that it was time.

And then I read your newsletter, how wonderfully serendipitous :)

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Wow Tessa!! What an amazing synchronous moment!! It’s like it was meant to be! I hope it was helpful to have that reflective moment, and I hope you’re feeling better by the time you read this! X

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Love the noodling Ella and looking forward to what comes from it. Xx

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Thanks Jackie! 😘

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Everything you have said resonates for me Ella. Like yourself I can get caught up and distracted with so many “projects “ which are all wonderful yet -I often forget to decompress with my thoughts while I am busily making . Reading newsletters here provides a relaxing morning ritual - and writing is a love that I have neglected .

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So glad you enjoyed it Heather! I so get the “busy making, so I forget to rest” thing! Here’s to resting! X

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I enjoyed that read and reflection, Ella! I’m a terrible one for side projects too...

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Thanks Jane! Yes, they’re just so tempting, aren’t they!?

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