Hello! I am coming to you over a week late with this month’s March schedule - but it’s for a very good reason!! Well, a few good reasons actually!
Firstly, it is the big family birthday week in our household. My birthday was on the 5th March and our son Dylan’s was on the 8th. 17 years ago, I turned 30, and then three days later Dylan came along 8 days early - a brilliant 30th birthday present!! I can’t believe he is 17 - it seems so grown up! I remember turning 17 as an age where I began to feel pretty mature (or so I thought!) and to feel like “me” in a way I can still connect with as “me” now. Anyway, it’s gorgeous watching him growing and maturing as a lovely human being, and I’m super proud of him! Also, my best friend Tor Freeman, of
was born on the 7th, and fun fact, our mum’s met each other across the ward, and became best friends, and then we also became best friends, and so I include Tor in the big family birthday week!Another reason this is late coming to you is because it was my book birthday yesterday! I have written a post about it where you can grab yourself a discount and win a signed copy! So go ahead and read it if you want, and then come back to this post!
OK, so onto the March schedule.
Art Club
Weds 20th March, 12.30 - 1.30 pm GMT
I want to try out a lunchtime session this month, as I have to admit, I often feel very tired by 8pm, our usual time, and I want to lead the best possible session for you all. Also, the light will be much better. Win-win!
This is your monthly Art Club, where I lead you through an intuitive art play session. Designed to get you out of your logical thinking brain, and into your free-flowing intuitive self! Look out for a separate post with more details soon. But this month, I am thinking it would be fun to dive into the art of collage, as suggested by regular art-clubber Annabel Tempest!

These sessions are recorded and available for replay for all paid subscribers. You can access all the replays here.
Picture Book Club
Tuesday 26th March 8pm
This month - YOU CHOOSE our book! Let me know what book do you want to read this month by Monday 11th March 5pm, and I will announce the book on Tuesday.
This is my monthly book club, but because I am a children’s book nerd, in my book club we read a picture book each month! I announce the book at the beginning of the month, and suggest some questions for you to consider, and then we will have a live Zoom together at the end of the month to chat all about it! Look out for a separate post on this with Zoom links and more details.
And you can look out for the usual spontaneous paid and free posts! I’d like to do a painting process or sketchbook look through post this month (which would you prefer) for paid subscribers, and hopefully I will write a creative ramble post for all subscribers (free and paid) at some point.
Right, I have an early start tomorrow, as I am painting the window of Kew Bookshop, and have train to catch at 7.40am. I’ve been practicing on our sitting room window, what do you think?

With that, I will bid you a fond adieu!
Until next time,
Ella xx
P.S. S
I am offering 25% off paid subscriptions until the end of the day on Sunday to celebrate the publication of my book! I won’t do a discount again like this for a while, so grab it while you can. I really appreciate every single paid subscriber (and if you are already subscribed, thank you, from the bottom of my heart). All subs help support me to keep making more illustrated books, and help me continue to create posts here on Substack. And I love this growing community I am building here - it’s been so great getting to know you all - I’d love it if you wanted to hop on board! And why not hop on board with a discount. Toot toot!
I had no idea you and Tor go THAT far back :D
I am a fan of both of you!
It's so interesting you both ended up artists. Did you ever draw together as kids?
Hello there, for picture book month it would be lovely to look at anything by Melissa Castrillon as she has such a distinctive and unique style. Also anything by Rebecca Green or Felicita Sala. I love the latter two as they work in traditional mediums and have such a painterly quality about their work. Looking forward to seeing people’s choices!