Really thought-provoking post, thank you! Martin Salisbury's question to you rang a huge bell for me. Someone recently asked why I want to work in colour when black and white has always been my thing. I realised that I thought colour was 'better' and that you were supposed to work in colour for book illustration. But now I've decided it's time for a hard pivot (probably at the speed of an oil tanker turning, but anyway....) to try to figure out a way to work in colour, but working the way I do in black and white.

It's so brilliant to see your illustrations next to the observational drawings, to see the links between them.

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Amazing! So glad this gave you the ping of a revelation! Good luck, I hope you find that magic for your colour work too! And if not, loads of people love working in black and white. Do you know the fabulous Pam Smy? She works in monochrome a lot, but often uses black, white and one other colour! X

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I didn't know her work, thank you!

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Another wonderful post Ella :). I missed it when tragedy struck our family around this time, but I'm slowly trying to find my way back to creating again. If for nothing else than to hopefully help heal & stay sane. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you bring back your course sometime this year!

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Hi Nicole, so so sorry to hear that. I’m sending love. Xxx

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So interesting and inspiring Els. I think often about what happens to old work, and sketches - whether kept in digital or paper files, how that work informs everything we do. I feel like I’m often REdiscovering things (techniques, ways of drawing) and wonder if that’s bad management, or a necessary part of the art journey. I love seeing your sketchbooks and picture book work together, and the leaps that you have made! Xx

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Thanks Tor! I reckon it’s part of the journey, for sure!! I know just what you mean about rediscovering old ways of working too. They still feel fresh somehow. Like finding an old favourite item of clothing. Xx

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I remember this post and it's as inspiring for me to read today as it was then.🥰 It's so easy to keep looking forward and make the next one then the next one (especially for me at the moment because I'm doing the daily mermay challenge!) It's such good advice to pause and look back to see what's actually happening. Thanks so much for the reminder Ella!x

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Hey Jess! So lovely you remembered from before 🥰 Good luck with Mermay, and I hope you find a few chances to pause and reflect! X

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Ella, your sketchbooks are truly gorgeous!!! 😍 This was a lovely post to read, and I know what it's like to sideline your creative dreams for a job that ends up being a bit too rewarding/distracting - I opened a bookshop because I wanted to be a writer! Now I'm finding my way back to prioritising my own work. You've worked with some fab people too on your MA journey by the sounds of things. X

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Oh, thank you Katie!! It’s so tricky not to get distracted by the excitement of jobs that are nearly what you want...but not quite! A bookshop sounds amazing, but I can see that if you want to write, you still need to make space for that! I love your Substack, so great you have found a way to prioritise your writing again!! And isn’t it great to have communities like this to connect with and support each other!? X

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