I had so many good routines a couple of years ago. I started working from home and finally found the time time to exercise, cook, all the good things. And then I went and got pregnant, and now it's just chaos. I'm trying to get back to how things were, but also trying to accept my life is different now and I have a toddler, and I should take the small wins where I can and not expect perfection (or even the imperfection of years past).

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Good post. I enjoyed it and share many of your feelings.

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We have a shopping list on the side in the kitchen with a pen next to it that I write anything that we’ve run out of. I’ve also trained the husband to do the same so we always have a supply of essentials. It’s such a great idea of yours to preplan the meals and then to enjoy the cooking time with a podcast. I find cooking tedious so I might try that! Do you do all the cooking?x

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I’m right there with you on being inconsistent with exercising. One thing that helps is to sign up for personal training -- offline or online -- so I don’t have a choice but to show up and move that booty! Though, to be honest, I tend to tap out of that too after a few months, so IDK, maybe I’m just allergic to exercising? 🤷‍♀️

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That’s such a good way of looking at it - to think about practicing something instead of being frustrated that you’re not perfect at it already. I really need to think about a few things that way too, thanks for sharing your thinking Ella!

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Living with a scientist who loves lists I can say it works. He made a food shopping list( in food stuff groups!) and prints it off weekly. Highlighting what we need for the week. Before I met him I never, EVER did a food shop with a list. We also have a blackboard in the kitchen for things we run out of. He has tamed my spontaneous big shop habits. It's dull...but...

Also I do my exercises in my lunch break to stop me seizing up. Dull but...I'm less creaky! Good luck and I'm glad I'm not the only one who starts with good intentions....

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Hey Becky! I’m so glad it resonated with you. It’s been one of those thoughts that resonated so much with me, I wanted to write about it!

And yes, i love the way you put it: the self consciousness of looking at the result! Exactly that! But if I focus on feeling fluent, if I know what I want to do next before I have to think of it, that’s what feels much better!

I love Lynda Barry’s books, I’ll take a look at that one again. I remember reading them as reference when I did my big essay and every page resonated. She’s amazing!

Good luck with your practicing! X

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Ella, I love this post and relate to a lot of it. It's great to be reminded of this way of thinking about all the things we want to integrate, as something to practice. Since reading your post, I keep hearing and reading things about practice too - clearly need this message right now!!

Also definitely this idea of 'fluent' being the goal rather than 'good' feels so important to me, I like the way you put it. It's more the feeling of process rather than the self-consciousness looking at the result. Did you ever read that book by Lynda Barry, 'What It Is'? She writes about this a lot too.

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