Easy and quick instructions...
I've tried it just now with yours, but it unsubscribed me completely if I mute the notifications.
I've had that happen before, maybe it's just me?
Actually- you’re so right!! I think it’s just for paid subs. I should edit the post, thanks for the heads up. I hope you’ll subscribe again lovely Marloes 🤓
Re-subscribed immediately :)
Thanks for sharing this 🙏
I've tried it just now with yours, but it unsubscribed me completely if I mute the notifications.
I've had that happen before, maybe it's just me?
Actually- you’re so right!! I think it’s just for paid subs. I should edit the post, thanks for the heads up. I hope you’ll subscribe again lovely Marloes 🤓
Re-subscribed immediately :)
Thanks for sharing this 🙏